卐♥☭♥卐♥☭♥卐♥☭♥卐♥☭♥卐♥☭♥卐♥☭♥卐♥☭♥卐♥☭♥卐♥☭♥卐♥☭♥卐♥☭♥卐♥☭♥卐♥☭♥卐♥☭♥卐♥☭♥卐♥☭♥卐♥☭♥卐♥☭♥卐♥☭♥卐♥☭♥卐♥☭♥ Harto de tanto comunismo caro y capitalismo barato.. Buaahhh!!
viernes, 28 de junio de 2013
"Vieja receta redentora"
"Vieja receta redentora"
Abrir el melón..
A cabezazos sobre un colchón..
Comer de su interior..
las semillas y la piel..
con un Omeoprazol..
Usar collarín..
si acaso el dolor te impide seguir..
Abrir el melón..
A cabezazos sobre un colchón..
no debes parar..
pues ahí a dentro te aguardan amor y paz..
"We had a contract"
"We had a contract"
you're my lover
I am your prisoner
you are the key
I am the lock
maybe one day we open that door
that kept my soul
you are my owner
because I want
we have a contract
we have a plan
You are for me the special one
that was the plan
you are the master key
of many doors
we had a contract
that's what you said
you are my flower in a eternal May
that's what you said
miércoles, 19 de junio de 2013
"Tú quieres un perro"
"Tú quieres un perro"
Ey! qué vida más perra hermano..
supongo que es broma..
yo ya no corro tras pelotas de goma..
Tú quieres un perro..
que la vaya a coger y te la traiga otra vez..
Qué estupidez..
con qué objetivo?
No voy a hacer nada..
me voy a quedar aquí..
sobre esta almohada..
no eres mi dueño..
no tienes nada..
soy el minino que te observa en la almohada..
como mucho pasaré..
a tu lao rozándome..
si me pica por la espalda..
a qué sitio me has llevao??..
que me noto muy cambiao..
y siento que algo me falta..
"Electro-Chotis de los gatos"
"Electro-Chotis de los gatos"
Ahí van los gatos de Madrid..
Están tos desparasitaos..
Con una flor pa su gachí..
Ahí van los gatos acicalaos..
A una verbena en Lavapiés..
Dónde ponen bacalao..
Los gatos saltan al revés..
y maúllan.. miau mara ma miau...
Tú vas de manila..
Yo voy aparpusao..
Tú estás muy tranquila..
yo estoy enzarpao..
Llevo en la solapa..
Abril florecio..
Báilame chulapa..
estoy bien relamio..
sábado, 15 de junio de 2013
miércoles, 12 de junio de 2013
martes, 11 de junio de 2013
"Próxima mente"
"Próxima mente"
Próxima mente..
Mente cercana..
Próxima mente..
mente atrofiada..
Próxima mente..
mente apropiada..
serás robada..
serás usada..
Próxima mente..
mente alistada..
Próxima mente..
mente cerrada..
serás lavada..
cerraste los ojos..
dando aullidos..
al anochecer..
La luna te dijo..
qué tenías que cantar..
y tú te lo tragaste y querías explotar..
serás usada..
lunes, 10 de junio de 2013
"An exotic trip per day"
"An exotic trip per day"
You always want to see the luxury side..
Because you are a turists by your life..
You don´t want to get wet under the rain..
Because you are a turists through your brain..
Traveling by a exotic unreal world..
You are the first turist in your soul..
You plan your trip..
Only tell you where you want to be..
an exotic trip per day..
"I want to see you with a beard"
"I want to see you with a beard"
Oh! My God..
We are calling you..
We are working hard to try to capture you..
Oh! My Lord..
We are praying for you..
We are waiting for this answer for my world..
If you come again to me..
I want to see you with a beard..
and a triangle on your head..
If you don´t give this message..
we have another two..
intersecting sticks for you..
Oh! My God..
Why don´t you come?..
You mustn´t be afraid..
For nothing all..
Oh! My God..
Why you don´t come?..
Oh! My God..
Why you don´t come?..
Oh! My God..
Why you don´t come?..
Oh! My God..
We are calling you..
We are working hard to try to capture you..
Oh! My God..
viernes, 7 de junio de 2013
"The absurd answer of my echo"
"The absurd answer of my echo"
I don´t want to hear what you say..
It is the same you answer to me..
I did not came here to discuss..
but your answer is confusing to me..
Now you are saying different things..
I asking you if you can repeat..
I totally disagree..
I´ll don´t change my way of think..
I´ll keeping me thinking that way..
Because you are a voice in my brain..
I´ll keeping me thinking that way..
The echo is my own voice in my brain..
And you must to repeat it..
That i´m speaking..
Because you are my own voice in my mind..
You are telling me absurdities..
And you must to repeat..
I´ll keeping me thinking that way..
jueves, 6 de junio de 2013
miércoles, 5 de junio de 2013
"Flow like strong bubble"
"Flow like strong bubble"
I saw your flow..
for the streets..
of this town..
with the beat..
of this song..
in your soul..
I saw your feet..
of your dreams..
like a bubble..
And you know what you have under your feet..
And you walking hard to try to believe..
And you are waiting for the confirmation..
Because your faith..
is so strong and flow..
like a bubble..
You are walking hard to believe..
You are the masterclass of that beat..
but i saw your bubble blow up..
And you are waiting for the confirmation..
Flow! flow! like a strong bubble..
"I know you can´t remember me"
"I know you can´t remember me"
I know you can´t remember me
but used to come here..
with a gray jacket like this wall..
as a man who lost his war..
one day you told me with a smile..
i´ll bring the color to your life..
but you again can´t remember me..
you forget everything you see ..
visual agnosia ..
always like the first time..
living in a permanent romance..
because you always forget all..
one day you told me with a smile..
i´ll bring the color to your life..
but you again can´t remember me..
you forget everything you see ..
visual agnosia ..
martes, 4 de junio de 2013
lunes, 3 de junio de 2013
"Profilaxis fiestera"
"Profilaxis fiestera"
La gripe..
Y la depresión..
Acabaré con vosotras bebiendo ron..
Dame un cigarro más..
Y ponle un poco de hash..
Os voy a bailar..
Os pienso sudar..
Os habéis equivocado al venir..
a mi interior a existir..
Os voy a embriagar..
Y terminareis..
pidiendo más y más..
Y bailareis..
Aprendereis a disfrutar en mi..
Hasta dejar de existir..
Hasta que os consumais en otra carcajada mortal..
No quiero antibióticos..
ni ansiolíticos..
Quiero un buen ron y expresarte mi amor..
Quiero que sepas que puedo bailar..
aunque tú a mi lado ya no estás..
coff!.. coff!!
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